Congressman Tim Scott featured in Post & Courier- will be in Georgetown County March 23 and 24
Congressman Tim Scott was featured in a Post & Courier article on Sunday, March 20th entitled "Scott & Clyburn: New and old in S.C. politics converge," that compared Scott with old guard Democratic Congressman Jim Clyburn.
Here's an excerpt:
"At 45, Scott is fresh and vibrant, a standout in Congress' conservative freshman class. He also is one of two black Republicans elected to the U.S. House from the Deep South in more than a century, and as such he has earned favored-son status with the Republican Party that has struggled to diversify its ranks.
Godfathers of the conservative movement, such as former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, have kept an eye on Scott since 1996. So, by the time he arrived on Capitol Hill in January, the spotlight was ready to shine on him. Scott was named a House whip and was selected by his peers as one of two freshmen on the Elected Leadership Committee, the GOP's agenda-setting group. Majority Leader Eric Cantor of Virginia is Scott's mentor."
Click here for the article
Scott will be featured at Georgetown County events on March 23rd and 24th that will benefit the Black River District Boy Scouts and the Georgetown County GOP respectively. Check out our events calendar.